Friday, October 19, 2007

Peer Tutoring Group Meetings

In advance of Friday's class meeting, I urge you to visit your tutoring client's
personal blog, which are linked to the main ENG106 course blog at:

106 students are blogging their research topics and questions as they evolve through
processes of invention (e.g., asking questions, refining topics, defining what they already know/want to know). Any collaborative feedback and/or planning advice you can offer will be appreciated by your tutoring clients!

(For those blogs that aren't linked to students' names: "Haunted English" is Clark's blog, "Gazing Forth" is Anthony's, and "Stream of Consciousness" is Juliet's.)

On Friday, I'll ask you to connect your practicum experience (which may include reading and/or posting to your client's blog) to this week's readings. You might, for example, analyze your practicum experience in terms of any of the following topics or issues:

--silence and voice

--inner-directed and outer-directed theories of writing

--cognitive processes vs. familiarity with the "conventions" of academic discourse

--notions of "subjectivity" and "difference" (however you define them. . .)

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